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Florals Forever Julia Foliage Bouquet


Colour: Multi

This elegant artificial bouquet features lush thistles and eucalyptus, showcasing a simple, natural design. Crafted by expert florists in the UK, it is wrapped in eco-friendly kraft paper. Delivered in a secure bouquet box, it’s ideal as a gift or for enhancing your home décor.

For the most recent delivery information, please visit the retailer website here.

For more product details, including dimensions, please visit the retailer website here.

Original Product Description:

The luxurious bouquet boasts thistles and eucalyptus', with its minimal and natural design and is hand-tied by florists in the UK and presented with recyclable kraft paper wrap. Delivered in a specialised bouquet box to keep it secure and safe, this artificial bouquet is the perfect piece to send as a gift or to keep for home display.